Carrie White
Art Truckee Gallery
May Featured Artist
Carrie White was born in San Francisco, California and grew up in the Northern California areas of Mt.
Shasta and McCloud. She and her family now live in Reno, Nevada. Carrie’s Grandmother taught her
how to paint at age 6, which sparked a life-long love for art. Carrie comes from a family line of artists;
both maternal and paternal grandmothers as well as her mother and father. Carrie’s passion for art
continued throughout her studies and is expressed in her work today.
Carrie’s uses a vibrant pallet, as she is a self-proclaimed “color addict”. She is captivated by lively and
colorful subject matter. Carrie enjoys creating artwork that jumps off the canvas at the viewer. She
uses acrylic paints and bright colors to replicate her favorite places, share fond memories and let her
imagination run wild. Carrie paints pieces that reflect her personality; vivacious, unique, bold and fun.
She generates happiness, both for the viewer and herself, thorough her artwork. Carrie participates in
Public Art opportunities whenever opportunity presents itself. She also enjoys conducting painting
demonstrations in any venue and teaching lessons. Carrie continues to proliferate her works as her
passion for artwork drives her to paint images from her heart and imagination.